- that could soon come true
I'm sitting in my room, at my desk, laptop open in front of me, home office. I am staring at the opposite wall where a yellow, black striped cover wraps my surfboard. "What I would do to sit on it right now... Legs spread, feet swinging underwater. Neck stretched wide looking for an approaching wave on the horizon... Preferably at dusk, mild salty air, when the purple, orange sky is reflecting, in the water moving up and down." But then I think it over more carefully "Would I really do it? If I were offered a trip right now?"
I would have to think about it for a very long time, about the circumstances and consequences. I'm not so sure... It seems safer for me to just keep dreaming about it for now.
Top: Arpoador Bikini Top Reversible in Green Wildflower / Daisy
Bottom: Arpoador Bikini Bottom Reversible in Green Wildflower / Daisy
Image by: @miriam_joanna_art
The time between spring and summer is always a big hustle and bustle for us at boochen, because as the flowers bloom, so do our orders. With hectic days filled with all sorts of other things, I let this blog drag on longer than expected. I kept pushing other tasks ahead that seemed more important until I realized that the busy time packing Caparica-bottoms and Amami-tops couldn't be the only reason why I hadn't written a single word down yet. I have written articles in much more stressful periods. After a little self-reflection, I realized that I was avoiding the whole topic of "travel". Getting this across in a positive and hopeful way just wasn't something I was really able to feel myself.
I think I had banished travel from my own dreams, and realizing that, I found it kind of a pity. Because the anticipation of the next time on vacation, the next time in the ocean, on the board, is something I never want to lose, even if I don't know when it will be. Maybe this is something where you see yourself reflected? The next lines will not promise you how and when you can throw the surfboard back on the rooftop. But hopefully they will bring you a little bit closer to your travel fever again and remind you why we need the magic of the holiday dream even today.
Top: Caparica Bikini Top Reversible in Green Wildflower / Daisy
Bottom: Caparica Bikini Bottom Reversible in Green Wildflower / Daisy
"Suddenly, there was a standstill."
Why is it so hard to think about traveling in the first place?Mainly because it's barely possible at the moment. Most of the travel plans we've been making for over a year have fallen through the cracks. Who wants to think about something you've been disappointed by multiple times? On top of that, the consequences of traveling weigh much heavier than usual. It currently costs so many additional thoughts. On the one hand, morally, whether it might be more supportive to just stay in your own four walls, along the lines of #stayhome. On the other hand, practically, dealing with risk regions, rules, case numbers, tests. The risk that the vacation will end up costing much more than expected adds to the feeling of unpredictability.
Planning is currently unplannable.
Even if one is allowed to travel to certain places, at certain times, one prefers to drop it altogether. Because increasingly we have to deal with what our own need to escape from the familiar surroundings means for the rest of society. The effects of our actions have never before made such high and wide waves.
One would even wish to be able to surf on them.
Top: Diani Bikini Top Reversible in Green Wildflower / Daisy
Bottom: Diani Bikini Bottom Reversible in Green Wildflower/Daisy
"We must not lose our lightness in hard times."
Travel as a contradiction to the current situationAlmost everything I associate with travel is in contradiction to the rules that are currently in place or the recommendations that are strongly made. For me, travel is the opposite of isolation, it is the opening, the togetherness, the experiencing and getting to know things. Getting close to things and people, so close that they become a small - sometimes a big - part of you. It is the unexpected, getting involved with the unknown, moving, meeting, touching.
And all of this, if not forbidden, is unwelcome.
Traveling is also considered a privileged undertaking, something you can only think about and even more so do, when you are quite well off financially. Since we are all aware of how many people have been put in a difficult situation by the pandemic, it feels weird to ponder over the best road trip route. To exaggerate, it feels out of touch and arrogant when the biggest problem you have is not getting to a surf spot.
Bra: Sports bra Meco in Dark Sakura Print
Leggings: High-Rise Leggings in Dark Sakura Print
"Oh, the places you'll go."
But we don't travel exclusively for fun...although that would be reason enough. And I think we all could use a little fun...Travel is important and helps us on many levels to understand ourselves and the world. Leaving one's own things, familiar people and belongings behind for a while creates space for new things, and gives one a very fresh and detached perspective.The quote "We are enemies of what we do not know" I can not completely agree with, but there is some truth to it, as travel teaches tolerance.
It would be unthinkable to forget that as a society.
If we remember the joy of life that we have experienced through discovery, then we quickly understand why taking a vacation is healthy, for body and soul. Not only the vacation itself plays a role, but also everything that comes before it. Planning a trip in advance gives you small breaks from everyday life. To have a concrete goal in mind awakens the motivation to take things in hand and not to lose the courage to follow one's daily obligations. So, if anticipation is the greatest joy, let's make the most of it now in the limbo between lockdown and loosening restrictions.
"Surfing is far more than a hobby for most of us."
Getting to know the world again as something magicalIt's time to get the ball rolling again, and type our most desired vacation destinations back into the search engines. Pull out your guides and books about faraway destinations and display them on your coffee tables. Allow the tingling that occurs when you think that maybe, if all goes well, hopefully, a next trip won't be so far away. Start planning. Dust off your yoga mat and practice your pop-up. Grab that surfboard and paddle around in the nearest lake or river on a warm early summer day.
Let's start small, with weekend trips nearby.
Let's let go of fear from this time of caution, but take a leaf out of more conscious travel, because being mindful of others and the environment is a great foundation for making post-pandemic travel safe. If we slowly get involved again in expanding our radius and getting closer to each other again, always thinking about our mutual needs, I think we are on the right track to let the sparks of wanderlust ignite in us.
Bra: Sports bra Meco in Rosa / Sunrise
Leggings: High-Rise Leggings in Midnight blue
Inform yourselves.
Stay in solidarity.
Be safe.
And finally, we'll let you in on a little secret.
On Monday, there will be a giveaway in line with the theme, which we are very excited about, as we are fans of the products ourselves. Namely, we have teamed up with "I LOVE THE SEASIDE", whose books are much more than just a travel guide. The Surf & Travel Guides are packed with neatly organized info on surf spots, surf shops, hostels, food options and so on. They tell stories of locals and inspire the desire to plan the next trip with aesthetic pictures.
Check out our Instagram page @boochenstudio on Monday afternoon if you want a chance to win the package.

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