We aim to work towards a more inclusive fashion world that represents women* as they are in reality, rather than reproducing a society-created ideal of beauty.
We seek to work actively to be part of a positive change, which starts with ourselves, the choices we make as boochen.
It is clear that this is a development that cannot happen by one single decision and from one day to the next. It is an ongoing process that takes place within each person in the team and within the structures of the company. The process will require daily decisions, but we are willing to commit ourselves to it.
One decision we have made is to engage in more conversation with you, to capture the views and feelings of different women*, to integrate them into our own thoughts, and further to represent and share them through the channels available to us.
What we want to share with you today are impressions from our photo shoot last month. By giving you an insight into a series of interviews we held with the women in front of the camera, you can be involved even from your own home in the great experience we had that day.
A wonderful group of various women shared much more with us during the photo shoot than the moments when the shutter was released. The atmosphere was a special one, because it was a fully female photoshoot in all aspects, in front and behind the spotlights.
The feminine energy was tangible throughout the day and definitely gave me an extra boost of motivation. When I entered the room the first time that day, I immediately felt that this was something very important and I was touched to be allowed to be a part of it.

"I've never shaved my legs in my life and I'm comfortable with it."
Would you like to introduce yourself?
I am Hashmeena. I am 21 years old and come from Ghana. And I am training to be a dental assistant.
Do you believe sports can be a form of empowerment?
For me, sports means gaining power. If you are ill, you can get healthy through sport. And I love to dance, dancing is my favorite sport.
Do you feel represented by the picture the fashion industry paints of women at the moment?
This was not the case in the past. If you wanted to be a model, you had to be slim, have a flat stomach, or be really tall. But at the moment I notice that different people who are smaller or curvy, are now also represented in the media. Also people with dark skin, or with pigmentation. I think that is great!
Message to a younger ME
If I picture myself when I was 15 years old and somebody insulted me, for example because of the color of my skin, I would say to myself: We are all human beings and no matter if you have a different skin color or a different origin, we are all human beings. And it is the same as with colours, there is red, there is black, there is white, but they are all simply colors.
Message to an older ME
Stay as you are. Don't let yourself subordinate the way you are or your life to other people, just stay as you are!
"It was a long way, but through sports I got out of my accident really well and can now do everything again."
Would you like to introduce yourself?
My name is Tanja Hagen, I am 51 years old. In terms of sports I do Zumba and Poledance. My job is in the public service and I have four children.
Do you believe sports can be a form of empowerment?
I do sports regularly, the last time was on Sunday and that was very good for me. And I think sport is important as a form of self-realisation, because without it I would not be able to stand and run like this after my accident. I would still be in a wheelchair.
Is body hair a topic that you think about a lot?
For me, it is part of daily personal hygiene and I do it just like brushing my teeth. So I don't think about it, it's just the way it is...
Do you feel represented by the picture the fashion industry paints of women at the moment?
Well, they all look different than me. They are all basically half a meter taller and have longer legs than me. But I don't mind it. I looking for my own clothes and do things my own way anyway, and then it works out fine.
Message to a younger ME
Enjoy the time you have now. Because that actually used to be the most beautiful time while meeting up with your school friends to go for a swim on the weekend. That I would have perceived that a bit more consciously, because it was such a wonderful time, is what I would want to tell myself.
Message to an older ME
In 10 years I will be close to retirement and I would tell myself then that I should just enjoy it, settle down little bit. The children will be grown up, so I'll just take it easy.
So integrieren unsere Models Nachhaltigkeit in ihren Alltag

"[On the subject of sustainability] there is a lot that can be done without risking major cutbacks in ones personal life." - Alena
"[...] I wish I could feel a little more comfortable unshaved. But I also think that this is a process that simply takes time."
Would you like to introduce yourself?
My name is Alena Nienstedt, I am 24 years old and I studied costume design. I like to do sports, I play handball. I like doing weight training and I go climbing. And other than that I am also very interested in art and music. I go to museums and concerts a lot.
Do you believe sports can be a form of empowerment?
Sports really empowers me! But that hasn't been the case for too long. I often felt that I needed to be slimmer, lose weight and I used to do sports for that reason for most of my life. And when I started to do some serious weight training, I noticed what my body can do. And since then, sports have been much more about what my body can do, rather than what it looks like. And this has definitely resulted from sports and exercise. This makes me feel empowered.
Is body hair a topic that you think about a lot?
I do think about it. I don't feel uncomfortable when I'm unshaved, but I think I could feel more comfortable. I like to shave, but can understand the thoughts behind not doing it. There are a lot of people, especially women, who say that they don't want to do it anymore and I fully understand where that comes from. But I think, like almost everyone else, I was influenced while growing up, noticing all over: that's just what you do.
Do you feel represented by the picture the fashion industry paints of women at the moment?
Not at all, actually. Currently you can see more and more that the fashion industry is interested in showing other body types as well. But I have the feeling that it is still always about ideals. And I think that the real bodies of both men and women should have nothing to do with an ideal. That's what I would like to see from the fashion industry, that people or bodies are not shoved into an ideal, be it the slimness ideal or extreme body-positivity, there is also a lot to be found in between. There's the keyword body neutrality and I think that's what the fashion industry should be about. Bodies are not primarily about how they look, but what they do. So we should be sending the image that bodies are always beautiful, no matter what they look like.

Message to a younger ME
I would tell my younger self that I should carry on as before, that things are going to get better. I would probably not believe myself. As I said before, most of personal development is a process, so I probably just needed the time I needed, and that's fine. So, I would actually advise myself to do everything exactly as I did.
Message to an older ME
To think about what I have experienced and not to forget it. I would like to make sure that I always remember what has happened, in my own mind and in my self-image, so that I don't run the risk of getting back to the point where I am dissatisfied with myself. Because I think this is a very important asset that I have acquired and it would be important for me not to lose it again.
"I find sustainability very important, [...] but in itself it is not always so easy for me to stick to it all completely.."
Would you like to introduce yourself?
My name is Louisa, I am 22 years old and I am currently training as a speech therapist.
Do you believe sports can be a form of empowerment?
I do think that sports can make you feel better, but only if that' s what you want to do. For example, I don't do any sports at the moment. But I also notice that I miss it. When I do sports, no matter what kind, whether running or weight training, I feel more balanced, stronger and more satisfied.
Is body hair a topic that you think about a lot?
In the past, my relationship to body hair was really bad, so I shaved absolutely everything, waxed, plucked, everything that was possible. But nowadays I don't care about all that anymore. In the summer I check that I don't have any hair under my arms, I feel uncomfortable with that, but that's a personal thing, but otherwise it doesn't bother me.
Do you feel represented by the picture the fashion industry paints of women at the moment?
I don't feel represented by the fashion industry at all. I mean I'm a woman, I have dreads, I have tattoos, I don't have 90-60-90 measurements and I'm not super slim and I think it's totally stupid that this is not represented in the fashion industry. They only show slim women, only smooth skin and perfect looks. And you start to define yourself by those standards, and that I find that very difficult.
Message to a younger ME
I would tell my younger self to hang in there and to open her trap every now and then instead of always putting up with everything.
Message to an older ME
I hope you kicked yourself more in the a** and stepped out of your comfort zone a little more.
"I sit on my bike and I listen to music, [...] and I feel really strong. Especially on the bike, with the air, with the movement, with everything around me."
Would you like to introduce yourself?
My name is Thurid, I study stage design here in Hannover, I am 22 years young. I do a lot of volunteer work, at university, but also in youth clubs and in theatre, and I've been working there with young people for many years.
Do you believe sports can be a form of empowerment?
Yes, through yoga - which I did a lot during the quarantine period - I felt empowered. But also when I ride my bike, really. I sit on the bike and I listen to music and then it's often like I'm in a movie.
Is body hair a topic that you think about a lot?
I believe that body hair is a very important topic in our society, and we cannot get away from it. I myself have been epilating my legs for a little while now and to be honest I like it. But I don't mind when there is some hair. In general it doesn't bother me if people have armpit hair or pubic hair, but it is still a taboo subject and something you can't get away from, just like that.
Do you feel represented by the picture the fashion industry paints of women at the moment?
The representation in the fashion world of different bodies is already better, but still not what it should be, I think. Not only skin colour related, but generally speaking of proportions, because even the plus size models have very "beautiful" proportions. And I think not every woman or person feels represented. And it will probably take quite some time until we get there, but I hope not too much longer.
Message to a younger ME
Be just the way you are, even if that sometimes doesn't go down well with certain people. But it will go down well. And the people who do appreciate it are all the more important.
Message to an older ME
If I could say something to my future self right now, it would be: still try to be as creative and loud and funny as you are, because that always goes down well. Keep that up and keep trying to make people feel good any way you can. And maybe you will manage to change the world.
"Nachhaltigkeit bedeutet für mich, dass man auch über sich hinaus denken kann. Es geht vor allen Dingen darum ein ganz neues Bewusstsein dafür zu bekommen, wie wir eigentlich leben und auch die ganzen Zusammenhänge besser zu verstehen."
Would you like to introduce yourself?
My name is Ching, I am 23 years old and I study interior design.
Do you believe sports can be a form of empowerment?
I totally need it, I have noticed. Funnily enough, I used to think that I was completely unathletic. Then I started with yoga and quickly noticed that I was really making progress, becoming much more flexible and that this also went along with the spirit. Above all, I no longer set these limits for myself. Like believing that there is something I cannot do and thus limiting myself. It's really nice to realize that you can always do more and more and can always grow beyond yourself.
Is body hair a topic that you think about a lot?
Body hair is already an important topic for me. I am trying to make people more aware of it through social media. I deliberately stopped shaving recently. As the summer approached, I was a bit worried that when I went out, people would look at me and my friends would ask me about it. What I did then was to communicate this via Instagram "hey if you see me, I'll have armpit hair". Furthermore, I found it important to read up one the history behind the topic a bit. I also made a post about that, to encourage people to just think about it: Why is this so? Why do women shave and men don't? To me the whole point was to think about it a bit more critically.
Do you feel represented by the picture the fashion industry paints of women at the moment?
As a woman of Asian background, I would say that it has become better with time, that I feel more represented. But sometimes I also have the feeling that it is more of a quota thing. In itself, you can tell something is developing, however it could be even more open to all things. For different skin types too. For example, I have grater skin on my legs and I don't see anything like that out there, so I had a lot of difficulties as a teenager. So it would be nice if something like that could be normalised somehow.
Message to a younger ME
Don't worry too much, somehow everything will turn out the way you want it to and you'll manage to do everything you set out to do.
Message to an older ME
I hope that you always stay true to yourself and don't try to take a wrong path or the path of another person, because you are not sure what you want to do. And I am sure that you are currently in a place that you like.
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