Hey ocean lovers! We hope you are doing well.
To say the least, 2020 was a tough year, and it seems like we’ll all need quite a bit of time during and after 2021 to recover.
The past year changed us a lot. Despite being a slow fashion brand we were forced to slow down even more. Just as most of you, we have had more time to think about the bigger picture.
(boochen showroom opened in summer, since mid-Dec our showroom is closed)
Not being able to go surfing as easily and frequently as usual was definitely rough. And not having to possibility to meet our friends and family from overseas took more strength than expected.
Although boochen as a brand did have to accept some losses, like opportunities to present our collections at shows, trade fairs and exhibitions being canceled, we like to remember why that was necessary.
(boochen@innatex, The only one trade fair we are able to went in Sep.2020)
And we are very grateful that all of us, the entire boochen studio team staid healthy and could keep on working from home.
And what came to be during this unusual time is something we are ever the more proud of. We would like to introduce you guys to our newest swimwear collection for 2021. Taking inspiration from the positive things we were unexpectedly able to gain from the year 2020.
1. Green and Orange-red

The main colors of this years boochen collection are green and orange-red. To us, green is not only the perfect representation of our eco-friendly concept, but is also a color of recovery. As the world slowed down due to the covid-19 pandemic, we were able to witness nature recovering in spectacular ways. We know, that there is a chance for backlash but this does not stop us from hoping otherwise. We want the green to keep growing. 2020 gave us a chance to remember how important nature is and how much we miss it when we have to stay at home.
Something we can probably all relate to is the frustration we often felt as a result of the pandemic itself, and the negative outcome it led us to face. In 2020, we often felt lost, and confused, we were afraid, and sometimes we are angry! But in the end, we felt all these emotions together and that remind us of the impact supportive words and small acts of kindness can have.
Orange-red is a symbol of this positive energy. Keeping faith, keeping hope, and working together to make this world a bit better. We hope to be capable of keeping it up in 2021 and the years that follow.
2. Diani

This year we present to you our new style - Diani. As you might know, we name all our styles after surf spots all around the world.
Diani Beach is a popular destination at the coast of Kenya, forming a beautifully seamless transition from bright white sand into the salty Indian Ocean.

(Diani Beach, image by Vanessa's sister Natalie)
Our teams content manager Vanessa, is from Kenya and has told us all about how gorgeous Diani Beach is when standing at the shoreline. We named our new style after this location, not only because of its good looks but as a homage to the black-lives-matter activism that surfaced on a global scale in 2020.
(boochen team @BLM Demo)
As a team made up of different backgrounds and nationalities, we are very passionate about fighting racism. But at the same time we know we must be very careful so as to not commercialize “anti-racism“. Addressing this topic should never just be an advert, it must be so much more, it must be connected to a dedicated, systematic change.
One thing that has really shaped our brand in this regard, is sharing our feelings and discuss our experiences with racism, not only during official meetings but also during our lunch breaks. Especially during the past year, we have continuously realized, how listening to each other, being interested and truly respecting others is the first and biggest step. This is true as an individual person but also as a brand, and we hope to continue reflecting our own actions and encouraging diversity throughout 2021.
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